These are the official web pages of the
Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications,
an international scholarly society that was founded in 1990 by Ralph Stanton.
The ICA was established for the purpose of promoting the development of combinatorics and of encouraging publications and conferences in combinatorics and its applications.
The offices of
the ICA are located at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. For information about the ICA, you can email the
Registar (Bryan Freyberg).
The ICA awards the ICA medals annually
and publishes the Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications.
The ICA also provides support to several conferences.
Supported conferences
In 2024, the ICA will support the following conferences:
- OpeRa 2024 Open problems on rank-metric codes, February 14-16 2024, Caserta (IT).
- 55 Southeastern
International Conferenceon Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing, March 4-8 2024, Boca Raton (FL,USA).
- London Colloquia in Combinatorics, May 8-9 2024, London (UK).
- Combinatorics 2024, June 3-7 2024, Carovigno (IT).
- Combinatorics in Christchurch, June 4-6, Christchurch (NZ)
- International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields, June 10-12, Ottawa (CA)
- 30th British Combinatorial Conference, July 1-5, Queen Mary University of London (UK).
- 35th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics and Combinatorial Computing, October 18-20, Duluth (MN-USA), October.
- 46th Australasian Combinatorics Conference, 2-6 December, The University
of Queensland (AU)
In 2023, the ICA will support the following conferences:
- 54th Southeastern International Conference on CGTC, Boca Raton (FL-USA),
March 2023.
- Canadam, Winnipeg (Canada), June 2023.
- International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications 2023 (Fq15), Paris (FR), June 19-23 2023.
- Combinatorics and Number Theory in Duluth, Duluth (MN-USA), July 2023.
- Finite Geometry and Friends, Brussels (BE), September 2023.
- 45th Australasian Combinatorics Conference, Perth (AU), December 2023.
In 2022, the ICA supported the following conferences:
- Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Boca Raton (US);
- Combinatorics 2022, Mantua (IT);
- 29th British Combinatorial Conference, Lancaster (UK);
- Stinson66, Toronto (CA);
- CCGTA in SOUTH FLA — 2022 Combinatorics, Computing, Group Theory and Applications in South Florida, Boca Raton (FL, USA).
- Polygons, Buildings and Related Geometries, Ghent (BE), 19-21 September 2022
- MCCCC34, Normal (IL,USA)
For information about conference support, please contact the ICA President, Charles Colbourn.
For more information, follow the links in the navigation bar.
For recent changes and news, you might also want to look
at the ICA Blog.